]> 1252 99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall Christopher Painter Install,MSI Special Thanks to Kalle Olavi Niemitalo for point out how to get around the fact that WindowsInstaller doesn't really have a decrement operator. chrpai {820A7F75-4DB6-42CF-80C3-9BC0674F2BB9} 10/21/2006 09:27 10/21/2006 09:27 10/21/2006 15:41 100 0 Windows Installer 0 Dialog_ControlTypeXYWidthHeightAttributesPropertyTextControl_NextHelp
Dialog1 AltMessage Text 50 50 250 50 3 void [IndexTen][IndexOne] bottle(s) of beer on the wall, [IndexTen][IndexOne] bottle(s) of beer. Go to the store and buy some more, [NextIndexTen][NextIndexOne] bottle(s) of beer on the wall. Dialog1 CancelButton PushButton 301 243 66 17 3 TEST &Pass Out NextButton Dialog1 Message Text 50 50 250 50 3 void [IndexTen][IndexOne] bottle(s) of beer on the wall, [IndexTen][IndexOne] bottle(s) of beer. Take one down, pass it around, [NextIndexTen][NextIndexOne] bottle(s) of beer on the wall. Dialog1 NextButton PushButton 200 243 66 17 3 TEST &Drink More CancelButton
Dialog1 AltMessage Hide Not IndexTen="No " Dialog1 AltMessage Show IndexTen="No " Dialog1 Message Hide IndexTen="No " Dialog1 Message Show Not IndexTen="No "
Dialog1 CancelButton EndDialog Exit 1 0 Dialog1 NextButton Reset NULL 1 100 Dialog1 NextButton [IndexOne] [NextIndexOne] 1 11 Dialog1 NextButton [IndexTen] [NextIndexTen] 1 10 Dialog1 NextButton [NextIndexOne] 9 IndexTen="No " and IndexOne="more" 96 Dialog1 NextButton [NextIndexOne] [[NextTemp]] 1 41 Dialog1 NextButton [NextIndexOne] more NextIndexTen="No " 91 Dialog1 NextButton [NextIndexTen] 9 IndexTen="No " and IndexOne="more" 95 Dialog1 NextButton [NextIndexTen] No NextIndexTen="0" and NextIndexOne="0" 90 Dialog1 NextButton [NextIndexTen] [[NextTemp]] NextIndexOne="0" 30 Dialog1 NextButton [NextTemp] Dec[NextIndexOne] 1 40 Dialog1 NextButton [NextTemp] Dec[NextIndexTen] NextIndexOne="0" 20
Dialog1 50 50 374 266 3 99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall NextButton NextButton CancelButton
Dialog1 1
Dec0 9 Dec1 0 Dec2 1 Dec3 2 Dec4 3 Dec5 4 Dec6 5 Dec7 6 Dec8 7 Dec9 8 IndexOne 9 IndexTen 9 NextIndexOne 8 NextIndexTen 9