'99 Bottles of Beer in PVscript 'By R.J. Groothuis Sub OnLabel2Click() For i = 99 To 0 Step -1 Select Case i Case 1 msg i & " Bottle of beer on the wall, " & i & " bottle of beer." msg "Take one down and pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall." Case 0 msg "No more bottle of beer on the wall. No more bottles of beer..." msg "Go to the store and buy some more... 99 bottles of beer." Case Else msg i & " Bottles of beer on the wall, " & i & " bottles of beer." msg "Take one down and pass it around, " & i - 1 & " bottles of beer on the wall." End Select Next End Sub Sub msg(message) MsgBox message, , "99 Bottles of Beer" End Sub