output = (stanza = 99 (bob = " bottles of beer") (otw = " on the wall") + ", " 99 bob "." (cr = char(13) char(10)) + (todpia = "Take one down and pass it around, ") 98 bob otw ".") more output = cr (stanza ? (spand = span(dd = "0123456789")) . i + (bsm = " bottle" ("s" | null)) $ bs + break(dd) . t1 spand *bs break("T") . t2 todpia + (*spand . j | "no more" *?(j = 100)) *bsm = + (nb = (gt(i = i - 1) i,"No more") " bottle" + (eq(i,1),"s")) t1 replace(nb,"N","n") t2 + (eq(i) "Go to the store and buy some more, " ?(j = 100), + todpia) (eq(j = j - 1) "no more", j) " bottle" (eq(j,1),"s")) + :s(more) end