//DanTom's 99 Bottles of Beer in DM Code 2.0 //Upgraded by Mechana2412 var/bottles = 99 mob/Login() usr << "Welcome to 99 Bottles of Beer 2.0" for() usr << "[bottles] Bottles of beer on the wall, [bottles] bottles of beer." bottles -= 1 usr << "Take one down and pass it around, [bottles] bottles of beer on the wall." sleep(10) if(bottles==1) usr << "[bottles] Bottle of beer on the wall, [bottles] bottle of beer." usr << "Take one down and pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall." usr << "No more bottle of beer on the wall. No more bottles of beer..." usr << "Go to the store and buy some more...99 bottles of beer." break world << "For waiting so long, you get a cookie!" usr.Logout()