var/const linePause = 12 endLinePause = 17 endVersePause = linePause + endLinePause client/New() ..() var/bottleCt = 99 var/bottleRef = "99 bottles" do src << "[bottleRef] of beer on the wall,\..." sleep(linePause) src << " [bottleRef] of beer." sleep(endLinePause) src << "Take one down and pass it around,\..." --bottleCt if(bottleCt == 0) bottleRef = "no more bottles" else if(bottleCt == 1) bottleRef = "1 bottle" else bottleRef = "[bottleCt] bottles" sleep(linePause) src << " [bottleRef] of beer on the wall.\n" sleep(endVersePause) while(bottleCt) src << "No more bottles of beer on the wall,\..." sleep(linePause) src << " no more bottles of beer." sleep(endLinePause) src << "Go to the store and buy some more,\..." sleep(linePause) src << " 99 bottles of beer on the wall."