// 99 Bottles of Beer in VICC = VICC's Intended for Compiler Courses // (C) 1996 Juha Autero DEFINE nl(tabify : Int) : Int IF tabify != 0 THEN WriteString("\n\t"); ELSE WriteString("\n"); END; RETURN 0; END; DEFINE beer(b : Int) : Int WriteInt(b); WriteString(" bottles of beer"); RETURN 0; END; DEFINE Main() : Int DEFINE i : Int; i := 99; WHILE i >= 1 DO nl(1); beer(i); WriteString(" on the wall,"); nl(1); beer(i); WriteString("."); nl(1); WriteString("Take one down, pass it around"); nl(1); beer(i - 1); WriteString(" on the wall."); nl(0); i := i - 1; DONE; END;