package { import flash.display.MovieClip; public class Beer extends MovieClip { /* Set default song parameters: 'beer' in 'bottles' on a 'wall' */ private var bottleCount:int = 5; private var liquid:String = 'beer'; private var container:String = 'bottle'; private var surface:String = 'wall'; /* song is comprised of 4 verses, which we loop through for each bottle */ private var verse:int = 0; private var itVsOne:String = 'one'; private var plural:String = 's'; private var outNumber:String = bottleCount.toString(); /* song line for output */ private var songLine:String; public function Beer() { /* Loop through 4 times the numeber of bottles, 4 verses for each bottle */ var loopCount:int = bottleCount*4; for (var i:int=0; i