&& BEER.PRG - 99 Bottles of Beer - Brian Hobbs Jan 1996 && (BHOBBS@cayman.vf.mmc.com) SET TALK OFF I=99 DO WHILE I>=1 b = STR(i,2) ? b +" Bottle" IF i > 1 ?? "s" ENDIF ?? " of beer on the wall "+b+" bottle" IF i> 1 ?? "s" ENDIF ?? " of beer" ? " Take one down and pass it around" i=i-1 b = STR(i,2) if i = 0 b = "No more" ENDIF ? b + " Bottle" IF I > 1 .OR. I=0 ?? "s" ENDIF ?? " of beer on the wall" ? ENDDO ? "No more bottles of beer on the wall, No more bottles of beer" ? "Go to the store and buy some more - 99 bottles of beer on the wall" SET TALK ON