ADL is Adventure Definition Language { This version of beer.adl is the normal procedural one which has } { no user interaction, and only prints out the song. Quite boring, } { really. Ross Cunniff, 1997 } START = LOCAL i, s; ($setg i 99) (WHILE ($gt @i 0) DO (IF ($gt @i 1) THEN ($say ($str @i) " bottles of beer on the wall.\n") ($say ($str @i) " bottles of beer.\n") ELSE ($say "1 bottle of beer on the wall.\n") ($say "1 bottle of beer.\n") ) ($say "You take one down, pass it around.\n") ($setg i ($minus @i 1)) (IF ($gt @i 1) THEN ($say ($str @i) " bottles of beer on the wall.\n\n") ELSEIF ($eq @i 1) THEN ($say "1 bottle of beer on the wall.\n\n") ELSE ($say "No more bottles of beer on the wall.\n") ) ) ($spec 3) ;