indexing description: "[ Short application to generate lyrics for the song 99 Bottles of Beer See: ]" author: "Finnian Reilly" email: "finnian at eiffel-loop dot com" class THE_SHORT_99_BOTTLES_OF_BEER_APPLICATION create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make is -- do print ("Lyrics of the song 99 Bottles of Beer%N%N") (0 |..| 99).do_all (agent print_verse) end feature -- Basic operations print_verse (count_consumed: INTEGER) is -- local count, x, y, z: INTEGER do count := 99 - count_consumed x := count; y := count z := 99 - (count_consumed + 1) \\ 100 verse := replace_verse_template (count) (<< x, y, z >>).do_all_with_index ( agent (value, i: INTEGER) do verse.replace_substring_all (Substitution_variable_names [i], bottle_expression (value, i)) end ) print (verse) end feature -- Implementation bottle_expression (count, position: INTEGER): STRING is -- do inspect count when 0 then Result := "no more bottles" if position = 1 then Result.put ('N', 1) end when 1 then Result := count.out + " bottle" else Result := count.out + " bottles" end end replace_verse_template (count: INTEGER): STRING is -- do Result := "$x of beer on the wall, $y of beer.%N$action, $z of beer on the wall.%N%N" Result.replace_substring_all ("$action", Verse_line_2_alternatives [count.min (1) + 1]) end verse: STRING feature -- Constants Verse_line_2_alternatives: ARRAY [STRING] is -- once Result := << "Go to the store and buy some more", "Take one down and pass it around" >> end Substitution_variable_names: ARRAY [STRING] is -- once Result := << "$x", "$y", "$z" >> end end