module BeerList /// required for compile error in fsi let a = " of beer " /// strings used let b = "on the wall " let c = "take one down pass it around " let d = "Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.\n" //build a list of bottle terms none to 99 let bottles = (fun i -> i.ToString() + " bottles") [99..(-1)..2] @ ["1 bottle";"no more bottles"] let line1 = (fun i -> i + a + b + i + a) bottles //build line 1 from bottls and strings let line2 = (fun i -> c + i + a + b) bottles.Tail @ [d] //build line 2 similarly List.iter2 (fun i j -> printfn "%s\n%s\n" i j ) line1 line2 //output the lines interleafed