; Script 99bottles.gls ; Last modified by Rainer at 08.06.2002 15:57:09 ; 99bottles@RainerBrang.de ; http://www.rainerbrang.de ;"Rest in peace, GLPRO". ;GLPRO Version of 99 bottles of beer ; black window, white text drawCLEAR 0 0 0 color white ; scroll text when reaching the end of the window set textSCROLL ON ; count down from 99 and do stuff beginLOOP 99 1 -1 text @loop$" bottle(s) of beer on the wall, "@loop$" bottle(s) of beer"@crlf text "Take one down and pass it around,"@crlf text (@loop-1)$" bottle(s) of beer on the wall"@crlf endLOOP ; wait for any key waitKEY