// GWScript (GWS) is a C-like scripting language used in (load) testing, // quality assurance and service level management. // This piece of code uses Windows Notepad as an "output device". // Author: Timo Boll, Geyer und Weinig GmbH // Homepage: http://www.gwtel.de main () { int l_bottle_cnt; if (execcmd( sysgetenv( "windir" ) + "\\notepad.exe", 512 + 5 ) > 0) { for (l_bottle_cnt = 99; l_bottle_cnt > 0; l_bottle_cnt --) { kputs( strform( "%d bottle(s) of beer on the wall,\r", l_bottle_cnt )); kputs( strform( "%d bottle(s) of beer.\r", l_bottle_cnt )); kputs( "Take one down, pass it around,\r" ); kputs( strform( "%d bottle(s) of beer on the wall.\r\r", l_bottle_cnt - 1 )); } } }