/* The Bottles of Beer song (c) 1996 Eric Korpela * Yorick version-- Modeled after the IDL version. * USAGE: bottles or bottles, number */ /* Set up our song structure............ */ struct _song { int n0; string s1; int n1; string s2,s3; int n2; string s4; } func bottles( number ) { if (is_void(number)) { number=99 write,"BOTTLES: Defaulting to 99 bottles!" } song=array(_song(n0=0,s1=" bottles of beer on the wall.\n",n1=0, s2=" bottles of beer.\n", s3="You take one down and pass it around\n", n2=0, s4=" bottles of beer on the wall.\n"), number) /* put in the appropriate numbers */ i=(number)-indgen(number) song(*).n0=i+1 song(*).n1=i+1 song(*).n2=i write,song.n0,song.s1,song.n1,song.s2,song.s3,song.n2,song.s4 }