import System.Threading class Bottle: [Property(Type)] static type = "beer" static start = 99 static count = start static Count: get: return count set: count = value start = value id as int private def constructor(n as int): id = n static def take() as Bottle: if count > 0: print "take one down, pass it around," return Bottle(--count) return null static def buy() as Bottle: count = start + 1 print "go to the store, buy some more," return Bottle(--count) static State as string: get: return Bottle.ToString() static def ToString(): s = "${count} bottle" s += "s" if count != 1 s += " of ${type}" return s Bottle.Count = 5 while true: print "${Bottle.State} on the wall, ${Bottle.State}," b = Bottle.take() or print Bottle.State, "on the wall!\n" Thread.Sleep(1500)