//in create event: bottles = 99; s = "s"; sm1 = "s"; room_speed = 1; text = ""; //in draw event: if ((bottles>2) || (bottles=0)) {s = "s"; sm1 = "s";} if (bottles = 1) {s = ""; sm1 = "s";} if (bottles = 2) {s = "s"; sm1 = "";} text = (string(bottles) + " bottle" + s + " of beer on the wall, "); text += (string(bottles) + " bottle" + s + " of beer." + "#"); text += ("Take one down, pass it around, "); text += (string(bottles-(bottles>0)) + " bottle" + sm1 + " of beer on the wall."); draw_text(10,10,text); if (bottles > 0) bottles -= 1;