

real language

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Language Abal

Author:Hermann Winner
Score: (2.53 in 43 votes)
* Abal version of 99 Bottles of beer
* Hermann Winner, http:
* Abal is an semi-interpreted language from PROLOGUE SA (french company)
* which runs on Prologue, DOS, Windows & most Unix systems
* the ancestor was BAL developped by R2E company during 70's who created
* one of the first personnal computer the MICRAL
* as you can see it looks pretty like Basic

program "bottles"

dcl i%
segment 0

	for i=100 to  1 step -1
		print=1:tabv(1),(zzz,x2,w33,zzz,x2,w17),i,"Bottle(s) of beer on the wall",i,"bottle(s) of beer"
		print=1:tabv(1),(w32),"Take on down and pass it around"
		print=1:tabv(1),(zzz,x2,w32),i-1,"Bottle(s) of beer on the wall"
	next i

eseg 0

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>>  Bertil Friman said on 12/12/07 22:13:32

Bertil Friman
This program does not appear to do the job.

>>  Gerard van Asperen said on 11/20/08 10:04:51

Gerard van Asperen Can someone help me on documentation about Prologue Abal or Bal.
Is it possible this languages also to use in Windows ?

thank you

>>  Pin said on 07/02/09 11:30:25

Pin You can take some documentation in forum.

if do you need any manual I can send to you the programmers reference.


>>  Video capturelo said on 07/19/10 04:33:53

Video capturelo Total Screen Recorder could record the video as long as you wish. Not like the other screen recorder, which just let you record one minute or with large watermark on the video.

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