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Language DOS Batch

Author:Donavan Hoepcke
Score: (3.46 in 24 votes)
@echo off
REM 99 Bottles of Beer in DOS Batch
REM First version by Gert-jan Los (
REM The file with batch program must be named as "beer.bat"
REM Noted by Vladimir Vojacek (, 2003-07-03
REM Last modified by Cory Boehne, 2004-01-01
if "%1"=="" goto outer
if "%1"=="body" goto body
for %%a in ( 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ) do call beer body %2 %%a
goto end
for %%a in ( 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ) do call beer inner %%a
goto end
set num=%2%3
set bottle=bottles
if "%num%"=="99" set number=ninety-nine
if "%num%"=="19" set number=nineteen
if "%num%"=="09" set number=nine
if "%num%"=="99" goto skipfirst
if "%2"=="0" set num=%3
if "%num%"=="1" set bottle=bottle
if "%num%"=="0" goto last
echo %number% %bottle% of beer on the wall
echo %number% %bottle% of beer on the wall
echo %number% %bottle% of beer
if not "%num%"=="1" echo take one down and pass it around
if "%num%"=="1" echo take it down and pass it around
if "%num%"=="0" echo no more bottles of beer on the wall
if "%num%"=="0" goto end
if "%2"=="9" set numberi=ninety
if "%2"=="8" set numberi=eighty
if "%2"=="7" set numberi=seventy
if "%2"=="6" set numberi=sixty
if "%2"=="5" set numberi=fifty
if "%2"=="4" set numberi=fourty
if "%2"=="3" set numberi=thirty
if "%2"=="2" set numberi=twenty
if "%2"=="1" set numberi=
if "%2"=="0" set numberi=
if not "%2"=="1" goto secondnum
if "%3%"=="9" set numberi=eighteen
if "%3%"=="8" set numberi=seventeen
if "%3%"=="7" set numberi=sixteen
if "%3%"=="6" set numberi=fifteen
if "%3%"=="5" set numberi=fourteen
if "%3%"=="4" set numberi=thirteen
if "%3%"=="3" set numberi=twelve
if "%3%"=="2" set numberi=eleven
if "%3%"=="1" set numberi=ten
set numbe=
goto numcat
if "%3"=="0" set numbe=nine
if "%3"=="9" set numbe=eight
if "%3"=="8" set numbe=seven
if "%3"=="7" set numbe=six
if "%3"=="6" set numbe=five
if "%3"=="5" set numbe=four
if "%3"=="4" set numbe=three
if "%3"=="3" set numbe=two
if "%3"=="2" goto lastone
if "%3"=="1" set numbe=
if not "%3"=="0" goto numcat
if "%2"=="9" set numberi=eighty
if "%2"=="8" set numberi=seventy
if "%2"=="7" set numberi=sixty
if "%2"=="6" set numberi=fifty
if "%2"=="5" set numberi=fourty
if "%2"=="4" set numberi=thirty
if "%2"=="3" set numberi=twenty
if "%2"=="2" set numberi=
if "%2"=="1" set numberi=
goto numcat
if not "%2"=="0" set numbe=one
if "%2"=="0" set numbe=one more
if "%2"=="0" goto skipdash
if "%2"=="1" goto skipdash
if "%3"=="0" set numberi=%numberi%-
if "%3"=="9" set numberi=%numberi%-
if "%3"=="8" set numberi=%numberi%-
if "%3"=="7" set numberi=%numberi%-
if "%3"=="6" set numberi=%numberi%-
if "%3"=="5" set numberi=%numberi%-
if "%3"=="4" set numberi=%numberi%-
if "%3"=="3" set numberi=%numberi%-
if "%3"=="2" set numberi=%numberi%-
set number=%numberi%%numbe%

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Alternative Versions

Author CorrectionCory Boehne10/04/072


>>  mackenga said on 07/14/05 19:10:00

mackenga Ye gods, this is almost as long as the Intercal version. :)

>>  nik said on 12/13/05 20:59:30

nik use "call %0 body %2 %%a" instead of "call beer body %2 %%a" to make it independent of the file name.

>>  Donavan Hoepcke said on 01/10/06 19:55:06

Donavan Hoepcke Ummm . . . this is cool except that I didn't write it. I think this must have been transposed when the site was redone. On the other hand, I _did_ contribute the Doc1 PCE listed directly above it.

>>  Cory Boehne said on 02/07/06 00:46:44

Cory Boehne Yeah, I did write it :)

It was really fun playing with a .bat file to this extent, hopefully they'll put this back into my name, but it's not critical....

Cheers all,
Cory Boehne

>>  raivier said on 06/29/06 23:02:54

raivier Lookig for codes and commands for DOS, email me where

>>  Sivert Ellingsen said on 10/04/06 12:53:14

Sivert Ellingsen Here's a somewhat shorter version (I only know this works on XP).

@echo off
set /a bottles=99
set bottles2=bottles
echo %bottles% %bottles2% of beer on the wall, %bottles% %bottles2% of beer.
set /a bottles=%bottles% - 1
if %bottles%==1 set bottles2=bottle
if not %bottles%==1 set bottles2=bottles
if not %bottles% lss 1 echo Take one down and pass it around, %bottles% %bottles2% of beer on the wall.
if %bottles% lss 1 echo Take one down and pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall.
if not %bottles% lss 1 goto loop
echo No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.
echo Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.

>>  Sivert Ellingsen said on 10/29/06 18:26:58

Sivert Ellingsen Shorter (and, IMHO, easier to read) still:

@echo off
for /l %%r in (99,-1,2) do (
if not %%r==99 echo %%r bottles of beer on the wall
if not %%r==99 echo.
echo %%r bottles of beer on the wall, %%r bottles of beer
echo You take one down, you pass it around )
echo No more bottles of beer on the wall
echo No more bottles of beer
echo Go to the store and buy some more
echo 99 bottles of beer on the wall

>>  Francis said on 02/15/07 19:48:28

Francis That last (shortest) version doesn't work right.

3 bottles of beer on the wall, 3 bottles of beer
You take one down, you pass it around
2 bottles of beer on the wall

Above is the start of the output, which looks fine as far back as I can see. Below is where the ending is messed up:

2 bottles of beer on the wall, 2 bottles of beer
You take one down, you pass it around

No more bottles of beer on the wall
No more bottles of beer
Go to the store and buy some more
99 bottles of beer on the wall

Press any key to continue . . .

>>  srm said on 03/27/07 16:53:42

srm yeah, here's the patch :D

@echo off
-for /l %%r in (99,-1,2) do (
+for /l %%r in (99,-1,1) do (


>>   said on 05/10/07 19:27:43

I don't like the New style CMD.Exe commands suggested here. They are not MS-DOS, they are windows one.
Using Set /A or For /L is not so funny; the funniest thing is using a counter in a language without counters, like COMMAND.COM (not CMD.EXE) batch language. A short counter would have been possible in old dos using replacements, but the funny thing is using string-like counters, like that FOR %%A in (0,1,2,3,4,5 .. ) do CALL %0 %%A,
MS-DOS 3.30 user manual prevented against for .. do nesting; my first test about the real availability of nesting was a counter very similar to this one, with 4 levels of nesting (0000 to 9999).

>>  dani said on 09/06/07 19:30:23

dani i pefere the shortist versen

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