REM This is written in 'Brandy', a port of BBC Basic V for multiple platforms REM This version tested under Linux (other platforms should work the same) REM Here's the formatted version: REM n=99 REM REPEAT REM i=3 REM REPEAT REM PRINT n;" bottle"; REM IF n<>1 PRINT "s"; REM PRINT " of beer"; REM IF i=3 OR i=1 PRINT " on the wall"; REM IF i=2 PRINT: PRINT "Take one down, pass it around";: n=n-1 REM i=i-1 REM PRINT REM UNTIL i=0 REM PRINT REM UNTIL n=0 REM REM and in the spirit of the old BBC Basic one-line programs, REM here's the shortest I can get it (line breaks essential REM to terminate IF statements) n=99:REP.:i=3:REP.:P.n;" bottle";:IFn<>1P."s"; P." of beer";:IFi=3ORi=1P." on the wall"; IFi=2P.:P."Take one down, pass it around"; IFi=2n-=1 i-=1:P.:U.i=0:P.:U.n=0