hackMongo is an extension of the Mongo plotting package ! Does the beer song... sends output to a postscript file ! Geza Gyuk - gyuk@oddjob.uchicago.edu printer 1 erase data beer.dat setv rounds c1(1) ! get number of rounds ! from first line, first setv container bottles ! column of file beer.dat expand {5/rounds} loop i {rounds} 2 -1 relocate 0.1 {i*5/(5*rounds)} putlabel 6 {i} bottles of beer on the wall, relocate 0.1 {(i*5-1)/(5*rounds)} putlabel 6 {i} bottles of beer, relocate 0.1 {(i*5-2)/(5*rounds)} putlabel 6 take one down and pass it around, if ({i}=2) setv container bottle relocate 0.1 {(i*5-3)/(5*rounds)} putlabel 6 {i-1} {container} of beer on the wall. relocate 0.1 {(i*5-4)/(5*rounds)} putlabel 6 endloop relocate 0.1 {5/(5*rounds)} putlabel 6 1 bottle of beer on the wall, relocate 0.1 {4/(5*rounds)} putlabel 6 1 bottle of beer, relocate 0.1 {3/(5*rounds)} putlabel 6 take it down and pass it around, relocate 0.1 {2/(5*rounds)} putlabel 6 no more bottles of beer on the wall. hardcopy end