; ; source/Beer ; Hourglass code for the 99 bottles of beer project! ; by David Croft ; define_variable"bottles" define_variable"ply" define_variable"players" ; this should match your capacities file players=32 default define_label"input" input ply reboot 253 if ply>players then goto"new" ditch_player ply fe[ditch_player ply] goto"input" define_label"new" ply-=players if ply>players then goto"input" select_player ply bottles=99 define_label"bottles1" $plural="" if bottles?1 then $plural="s" message 1 bottles-=1 if bottles>0 then message 2:goto"bottles1" message 3 send_messages ditch_player ply fe[ditch_player ply] goto"input"